Searching for Partners with Blockchain Charities to Make a Difference

At, we are always looking for ways to make a positive impact in the world and support causes that align with our values.

That’s why we are excited to announce that we are in the process of researching charitable organizations on the blockchain to partner with on our website.

But what is the blockchain and why are we interested in it?

The blockchain is a decentralized, digital ledger that allows for transparent and secure transactions.

This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we donate to charitable causes by providing a way to track and verify donations, ensuring that they are used for their intended purpose.

So far, we have identified a few charities that use blockchain technology and align with our values, including the Humane Society,, Save the Children and The Ocean Cleanup.

We are in the process of researching these organizations further and looking for opportunities to support their work through donations and partnerships.

We are committed to being transparent and accountable in our charitable efforts, and we believe that the blockchain is an important tool in achieving this goal.

By partnering with charities that use this technology, we can ensure that our donations are making a real difference in the world.

Stay tuned for updates on our charitable efforts and the organizations we are partnering with. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions for charities on the blockchain that you think we should consider, we’d love to hear from you!


Here are a few charities that use blockchain technology that might fit our criteria:

  1. Animal Welfare Coin: This charity uses blockchain technology to track donations and ensure that they are used for the intended purpose of supporting animal welfare causes.
  2. The Wildcat Sanctuary: This sanctuary uses blockchain to secure donations and provide transparency in the use of funds.
  3. The Ocean Cleanup: This organization uses blockchain to track the movement of plastic pollution in the oceans and to raise funds for their cleanup efforts.
  4. Charity Miles: This charity uses blockchain technology to track and verify donations made through its fitness tracking app. Users can earn donations for charity by walking, running, or biking, and the app uses blockchain to ensure that the donations are used effectively.
  5. Animal Aid Unlimited: This Indian animal rescue organization uses blockchain to track donations and ensure that they are used for the benefit of animals in need.
  6. Hope for Children: This charity uses blockchain technology to track donations and ensure that they are used to support children in need around the world.
  7. The Humane Society: This organization uses blockchain to track donations and support animal rescue and welfare efforts around the world.
  8. Save the Children: This charity uses blockchain to track donations and support children in need around the world, including those affected by conflict, natural disasters, and poverty.
  9. This organization uses blockchain technology to track donations and support clean water initiatives in developing countries.
  10. Mercy Corps: This global humanitarian organization uses blockchain to track donations and support a variety of charitable causes, including disaster relief, economic development, and education.
  11. Bitgive: This charity uses blockchain technology to track and verify donations, ensuring that they are used for their intended purpose. Bitgive has supported a variety of charitable causes, including animal rescue, clean water initiatives, and health and education programs
  12. The Water Project: This organization uses blockchain to track donations and ensure that they are used to fund clean water projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  13. Unicef: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has launched a number of initiatives using blockchain technology to support children in need, including a program to provide Syrian refugee children with access to education and a campaign to raise funds for children affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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