Welcome to the “Cat Granny’s E-Course” newsletter!

Are you tired of feeling frustrated and confused by your cat’s behavior? Do you wish you had a deeper understanding of your feline friend and could effectively manage their “bad” behaviors? If so, you’re not alone. Many cat owners struggle with understanding their pets and finding ways to prevent or manage problem behaviors. It can be stressful and even painful when the creature we love and care for so much seems to be causing us problems.

But what if we told you there was a way to finally understand your cat and create a peaceful, harmonious relationship with them? Introducing “The Cat Granny’s E-Course: Tips for Handling ‘Bad Cat’ Behavior.”

In this comprehensive 8-week e-course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about cat behavior and how to effectively manage it. From understanding feline body language and communication to identifying and addressing common behavioral problems, this course has got you covered. You’ll learn how to recognize the signs of stress, anxiety, and aggression in your cat, and discover practical solutions for managing these behaviors. You’ll also learn about the five welfare needs of cats and how to ensure that your pet’s basic needs are being met, which is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

But “The Cat Granny’s E-Course” is more than just a course on solving behavior problems. It’s also a celebration of the special bond that exists between cats and their human companions. You’ll learn about the deep love and friendship shared by the course instructor, a seasoned pet parent and cat-granny, with her own re-homed feline companion, and how this bond has inspired her to share her knowledge and experience with other cat owners.

By signing up for the “Cat Granny’s E-Course” newsletter, you’ll receive updates on the latest course offerings and resources, as well as tips and advice for building a stronger bond with your cat. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take the first step toward understanding and effectively managing your cat’s behavior.

Sign up for the “Cat Granny’s E-Course” newsletter now and start building a stronger, more harmonious relationship with your feline friend.


The Cat Granny