The Cat Granny’s Guide


Maintaining the Peace:

Tips for Handling

Bad Cat Behavior

by Anjella Banks, The Cat Granny


Dear fellow cat lovers,
Are you tired of constantly trying to decipher your cat’s behavior and wondering why they do the things they do?
Do you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells, never knowing when your beloved feline friend might turn on you or exhibit “bad” behavior?
If so, you’re not alone. Many cat owners struggle with understanding their pets and finding ways to prevent or manage problem behaviors.
It can be frustrating and even painful when the creature we love and care for so much seems to be causing us stress or discomfort.
But what if I told you there was a way to finally understand your cat and create a peaceful, harmonious relationship with them?
That’s where The Cat Granny’s Guide to Maintaining the Peace: Tips for Handling ‘Bad Cat’ Behavior comes in.
In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about cat behavior and how to effectively manage it.
From understanding feline body language and communication to identifying and addressing common behavioral problems, this book has got you covered.
You’ll learn how to
  • recognize the signs of stress, anxiety, and aggression in your cat, and discover practical solutions for managing these behaviors.
  • You’ll also learn about the five welfare needs of cats and how to ensure that your pet’s basic needs are being met, which is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

But “The Cat Granny’s Guide” is more than just a manual for solving behavior problems.

It’s also a celebration of the special bond that exists between cats and their human companions.

In the “Writing the Book: I Love My Hooman!” section, you’ll get a glimpse into the personal journey of the author, who went from being a cat convert to a seasoned pet parent and cat granny.

You’ll read about the deep love and friendship she shared with her own re-homed feline companion, and how this bond has inspired her to share her knowledge and experience with other cat owners.

You may be wondering why the author, who refers to herself as a “cat granny,” is qualified to write this guide.

The truth is, the author has been through her fair share of struggles with feline behavior.

She’s experienced the heartache of seeing a beloved pet abandoned and left at a shelter, and she’s had to work through behavioral issues with her own cats.

But through her own journey of learning and self-education, she’s discovered the keys to understanding and effectively managing cat behavior.

That, coupled with her academic inclination for research and study, she wants to share that knowledge with you.

In The Cat Granny’s Guide, you’ll also learn about the latest research on feline emotions and the role they play in cat behavior.

Did you know that recent studies have shown that cats have at least eight distinct emotions, including joy, disgust, anger, and fear?

You’ll discover how these emotions manifest in cats, and how understanding them can help you better communicate with and care for your pet.

You’ll also learn about the emotional intelligence of cats, and whether they are capable of forming genuine bonds with their owners.

One of the most common problems that cat owners face is aggression.

In the “Aggressive Cats” section of the book, you’ll learn about the different types of feline aggression and the root causes of this behavior.

You’ll discover practical solutions for reducing aggression in your cat, including behavior modification techniques like desensitization and counterconditioning.

You’ll also learn about the role that medical conditions and disorders can play in feline aggression, and how to recognize the signs of pain and stress in your cat.

But “The Cat Granny’s Guide” is not just for those dealing with problem behaviors.

It’s also for those looking to strengthen their bond with their feline companion and create a deeper understanding of their pet.
In the “Building a Stronger Bond” section, you’ll learn about the different ways that cats show love and affection, and how to return the love in a way that your cat will understand.
You’ll discover the importance of playtime and how it can improve your cat’s physical and mental health.
You’ll also learn about the benefits of training your cat and how to do it effectively, as well as the best ways to show your cat that you care.

But The Cat Granny’s Guide doesn’t just focus on serious issues.

It also includes fun and informative sections like “The Fascinating History of Cats” and “Myths and Misconceptions about Cats.”

In the “Fascinating History” section, you’ll learn about the evolution of cats and how they became the beloved pets they are today.

You’ll also discover how cats have played a role in human history, from ancient Egypt to modern-day pop culture.

In the “Myths and Misconceptions” section, you’ll learn about some of the most common myths about cats and the truth behind them.

You’ll also read about some of the strange and superstitious beliefs that have surrounded cats throughout history.

So if you’re ready to take the first step towards understanding and effectively managing your cat’s behavior,

The Cat Granny’s Guide to Maintaining the Peace: Tips for Handling ‘Bad Cat’ Behavior is the book for you.

This book is not a quick fix or a miracle solution for all cat behavior problems.

It does not claim to have all the answers or guarantee that every behavior issue can be completely resolved.

It is not a replacement for professional veterinary or behavioral advice.

It is also not a comprehensive guide on every single aspect of cat care, but rather a focused resource on understanding and managing feline behavior.

With its comprehensive and easy-to-understand approach, it’s the perfect resource for cat owners of all levels.

So don’t wait any longer, order your copy today and start building a stronger, more harmonious relationship with your feline friend.