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A Cat-Granny’s  Cat Behavior Guide

Adding a cat pet to the family is a long-term commitment, and your responsibility for shelter, care, and companionship can last up to about 20 years, depending on the type of cat and the lifestyle you provide.  With such a long-term commitment, isn’t it wise to learn how to solve problems before they begin to consume your life?

Is there such a thing as a ‘bad cat’?  Or an ‘evil cat’?  How about a ‘vengeful cat’?

Humans are a predominantly social species. Conversely, cats are a predominantly solitary species. As such, we often find the interpretation of cats’ behavior difficult. Cats live in a much more scent-sensitive world than we do. They use scent to orientate themselves in their environment as well as to detect and hunt prey. Cats also leave signals in the form of scent for the purposes of distant communication with other cats. Cats don’t have the ability to display complex visual signals such as facial expressions in the same way that we do as humans; they find visual communication tricky, particularly in times of conflict.

Cats primarily communicate with each other through scent and pheromones, as they descend from a solitary species that would rarely come into contact with each other in the wild. It is possible to think of cats using scent like leaving messages or signposts in certain areas to warn others but also themselves. However, cats are still very capable of communicating with their owners, but unfortunately, it is often the human lack of understanding which can cause issues. 

This book hopes to help with that problem. 

Take control of your cat’s inappropriate behavior with The Cat Granny’s Guide to Maintaining the Peace

This comprehensive book covers everything you need to know to understand and manage your cat’s behavior and to build a most trusting relationship, including chapters on normal and abnormal behavior, managing anxiety and stress, and even how to handle multi-cat households. 

With tips and techniques for understanding feline body language and communication, including chapters on normal and abnormal behavior, managing anxiety and stress, as well as chapters on everything from aggression to scratching and spraying, this book is a must-read for any cat owner.

Click the button below to get your copy now and start enjoying a more peaceful household with your feline friend. 


This book is not a quick fix or a miracle solution for all cat behavior problems.

It does not claim to have all the answers or guarantee that every behavior issue can be completely resolved.

It is not a replacement for professional veterinary or behavioral advice.

It is also not a comprehensive guide on every single aspect of cat care, but rather a focused resource on understanding and managing feline behavior.

With its comprehensive and easy-to-understand approach, it’s the perfect resource for cat owners of all levels.