Welcome to the I Love My Hooman.net blog!

Are you looking to deepen the bond of love and friendship between you and your feline companion?

Do you want to better understand your cat’s emotions and behaviors?

If so, you’re in the right place.

Here at I Love My Hooman.net, we believe in the deep love and bond that exists between cats and their human companions.

Inspired by the love and bond between the author’s own cat and herself, our blog is a celebration of this special relationship and a resource for those looking to strengthen their bond with their feline friends.

But we also acknowledge the reality that cats can sometimes exhibit problematic behaviors that can cause frustration and even heartache for their owners.

That’s why we offer practical solutions and resources for addressing behavioral issues, such as training, diet changes, and seeking professional veterinary advice.

So whether you’re looking for a heartwarming read about the love between cats and their humans, or you’re in need of practical solutions for addressing behavioral issues, I Love My Hooman.net has something for you.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

We hope you’ll find the information and resources you’re looking for and that you’ll come back often.


I Love My Hooman staff